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Nanoporous Microspheres for Advanced Separations

imageResearch efforts have long been directed toward the development of new, high-resolution and ultra-sensitive bioanalytical separation techniques. Via aerosol-assisted self-assembly, we have achieved macroporous microspheres that maintain a high surface area which is ideal for chromatographic separations of complex biological mixtures.

In collaboration with the Novotny Laboratory (Indiana University), we are currently evaluating our platform for lectin affinity enrichment of glycoproteins, as altered glycosylation is linked to cancer, inflammatory, and degenerative diseases.

Funding provided by NIH R01-GM for "Sensitive Methods for Glycoconjugate Analysis" Co-Investigator (PI: Milos Novotny-Chemistry, Indiana University) and previously by Indiana CTSI - Research Invention and Scientific Commercialization (RISC) Program for "Commercial Scale Synthesis of High Surface Area Macroporous Silica for Bioanalytical Chromatography".

For a representative manuscript, please see:


New Macroporous Silica Microparticles Derivatized for Enhanced Lectin Affinity Enrichment of Glycoproteins

ARTICLE LINK Mann, B. F.; Mann, A. K. P.; Skrabalak, S. E.; Novotny, M. V. "New Macroporous Silica Microparticles Derivatized for Enhanced Lectin Affinity Enrichment of Glycoproteins" Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85, 1905-1912.

Prospective Graduate Students

We seek 1-3 graduate students per year. All prospective students must apply directly to the program (link). Upon arrival at IU, students rotate in research groups and advisors are finalized then. Given the number of emails received, individual inquiries will likely go unanswered but you are encouraged to learn more through our website.

Undergraduate Research

Research opportunities available for undergraduates! Inquire via email. Include your resume, list of science courses completed, and gpa. Also, check out our Science Ambassadors' Program.

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