
Science Ambassadors
Science Ambassadors is an opportunity for undergraduate researchers in the Skrablab to return to their former or local high schools to discuss their research, discuss life as a science major at IU, and introduce topics such as solar energy science or nanoscience to the students.
Colorful demonstration are typically incorporated. Enthusiastic participants are wanted! Please contact Professor Skrabalak for more information. Provide your resume and list of science classes completed.

Members of the Skrablalak Group volunteer at Wonderlab through their "Real Life Science" and "Nanoscience" Days by giving attendees the opportunity to create stained glass displays with metal nanoparticles.

Women in Chemistry
Professor Skrabalak is a member of both Women in Chemistry and The Women in Science Program at Indiana University.
Links with great resources!
Women in Chemistry at IU!
IU Women in Science Program
Association for Women in Science
ACS Women Chemists Committee

Southern Indiana Section of the American Chemical Society
Professor Skrabalak served as the local section chair for the 2011 year. Activities include sponsorship of the Student Selected Seminar Series, the Chemistry of Everyday Life Seminar Series, social events for local members, and more!
Southern Indiana Section of the ACS Website